
Hi, my baby is Bruno, he is a dobberman who is 8 months old only. Well trained and obedient. Extremely empathetic and emotional dog. No aggressive behaviour. Loves guests and kids. He is a social people friendly baby.

Bruno, Dog, Doberman Pinscher, Male, Adopted, Vaccinated
Kiran Kumar Meegada
Is he friendly with other babies ? If it is..iam happy to have it
Yes he is very friendly.
Kiran Kumar Meegada
Iam available at 74117 71025 can we connect
Jenshin kp
Hello is he up for adoption??

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They are Boujee’s friends indies We make sure to feed them “curd rice with chicken broth” everyday 2 times since the time we’ve known them. The behaviour change & bodily changes in these indies make me so happy, hey look healthier and happier now! As I stay in a rented house, I will make sure to inform someone around to feed them when we’re gone :) 🤝🩷

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Zora is a little full since morning. She didn't eat her regular chicken and rice. I gave her an egg, which she ate. She has also been sleeping a lot during the day. Today when I tried playing with her, she just played for a few seconds with her rope toy and the now she is back to just lying down. Body temperature is 101. Please help. Thank you.

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He ate 1 raw chicken feet after sometime he vomited and has not eaten anything for almost a day .he drinks water again vomits some yellow fluids what to do please help...

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Hi @Tajunnisa Mam in what quantity and how many times a day is it to be given?

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