
4 cute kittens are looking for forever cuddles.

Luna, Milo, Bella, Oliver, Cat, Indian, Male, Adopted
I need one male cuty
I need them

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my cat keeps shouting constantly. there is no medical problem but she just shouts louder and louder for food all the time. I am doing my best to ignore her screaming but it just keeps getting worse. what do i do?

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My cat got skin infection. Can someone guide me on this. Currently I'm applying coconut oil on the infected area.

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I am looking for a genuine pet boarding facility for 2 days for my retriever. If you have any good leads for a quality place at an affordable price, kindly let me know!

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My 7 month old malinois refuses to eat anything even forcefully from 2 weeks. She's also not so active. She was not like this before and used to gulp food quickly before.

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Hi! This is Yuki. He started getting a small boil of sorts in the inner corner of his eye. It was much smaller 3-5 days back and it’s grown larger now. What should we do now?

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