2 years agomy cat went out and came with some wound on her leg joints.blood is coming and near eyes also one wound is there like a scratch..she is having difficulty to walk..no pet clinics are available this time also.1 comments•44 views
2 years agoHi my golden retriever 1 year 5 months passed loose motion 2 times....is it something that I shud be worried about...yesterday gave boiled rice,chicken n veggies.today morning after walk she did loose motion .seeing that gave her curd rice by 9 am .should I give her only curd rice today .let me kn ow about the diet5 comments•33 views
1 year agoMy 4m kitten had severe diarrhea, now it is stopped but looks like he has forgotten to understand when his poop is coming out. Is this incontinence common in cats after diarrhea?4 comments•31 views