Mohammed Owais



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My golden retreiver is 2 months old and gets very excited, after that he humps and sleeps

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I found a baby street cat feel from 1 store building, now she's walking on only front 2 legs. I really don't know what to do can anytime ?

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3months French bulldog puppy Daily Food Royal Canin Puppy starter x 3 times Having hard time during 💩 (hard black stool) giving sufficient water kept for drinking any other food can be added for free 💩 as frenchie has more delicate tummy Giving proviboost drops x2 Digyton drops X 2

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What is a 3 months boby pet food In Jarman safed dog

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hey my dogs have been having loose stool ( looks like mucas) and they have lost apatite and they aren't tired it's been 2 days since they are having loose stool and vomiting of mucas

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