
Hi, my GR puppy is having some bald patches, noticed it this morning. This is just near his left eye. Please let me know what to do.

Simbha, Dog, Golden Retriever, Male
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
These patches occur in the puppy age Get him checked once and then start the treatment
Ok Dr. Thanks.
Is it anything to be worried.
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
No it's nothing to worry but it's better to treat at the early stage
Dr. Anukarna Singh
After examination by a vet, , consider getting a skin scraping done to rule in/out demodex mites via microscopy.

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Cooler is an 8 month old pupper He loves dogs & humans He’s vaccinated and sterlized Friendly with dogs and humans Well behaving kid 🦴 To adopt WhatsApp +91 96637 82750

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