Prerona Bhattacharya

To see her grow up this quick 🥺😘🐻🐾

Starting the day with Boon's supercute pictures 🤌😍❤️

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My pug is sleepy all the time. Eat only in the evening. Active in the evening. Is there a problem?.

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My 1½ years aged, weight 15-18 KG male Indian breed pet dog's hind legs have become too weak to walk and even can't balance it for last 2 days. As he is unable to put his full weight in the legs, he can't even have his food by his own. Hiccups are being repeated continuously. So, we are not able to understand what has happened to him suddenly! So requesting you to please tell what should we do and if possible please prescribe the medicines too.

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You can tell me how excited I’m about this week when you look into Whiskey’s eyes! 👀 But wait what…..😅

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From one week we started seeing ticks on Magnus (Male ShihTzu) 2 weeks back we gave bravecto tablet too… I don’t think it’s working as we saw ticks after we gave bravecto. Please suggest wat to do..

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