Helllo doctor my 18 months old Labrador doctor vomits green colour …and not eat properly …and also he is scratching the ear regularly …pls suggest the medicine doctor
No doctor nothing discharge from he’s ears …parasites r not their in his body …due to scratching redness present in his ears and bad smell is coming in his ears
Excessive scratching of ears may lead to aural haematoma, so it is advisable to consult a vet or book a home visit for proper examination before treatment.
It is a ear condition, where there will be pooling of blood with in the ear pinna (ear flap).Due to excessive scratching if the blood vessels in the ear pinna get damaged then this condition may occur. Most commonly seen in dogs suffering from ear infections, external parasites.
Don't worry about aural haematoma right now. First we should treat the infection, in that way we can avoid hematoma formation.
To treat ear infection proper examination is necessary.