
My Indie dog has given puppies if anyone wants to adopt please text me on WhatsApp - 9113663873


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my 7month old pup has become a fussy eater. he eats properly every alternate day and leaves a large portion of his food behind otherwise. Is this a normal tendency in dogs? how do I make him eat more regularly? His activity levels, poop and water intake are regular. no changes in that. I’m usually feeding him rice and vegetables in morning and kibbles by evening. Snacks and treats are very limited during the day.

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Is hemp oil good for dog’s health? How frequently can I feed my 2 years old GR? Also, please suggest a good brand.

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some days ago i had my cat groomed while the groomer was cutting his tangled hair .. he accidentally cuts his skin . now it's probably infected i used mupirocin ointment on the area infected ( green blue coloured )and bandage it he was okay with its use. today when I tried to apply it nd bandage it around he was running around now it was red blue coloured so i just applied the ointment nd left it open . what am I supposed to do . nd his hygiene is not that good cause he is handicapped nd this cut is on his handicapped back right leg . he has no pain in running or walking up nd down or even cuddling but he is not letting me put on the bandage i was able to put the ointment by a lot of problem as well . he is eating well but he is not vaccinated as of now nd sometimes he vomits his food because he can't remove the licked hair from his mouth and he has and infection going on near his eyes because of the handicapped leg he has a difficulty in cleaning his face most of the time . thus i clean it

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good morning doctor these 2 supplements are Benifit to my 6 months old Labrador puppy ...pls suggest me mam

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Can I have a care center

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