arpita pandit

Hi can anyone suggest a medicine for a lab actually he is having loose motion his age is 7 years please suggest me

Atom, Dog, Labrador Retriever, Male
Dr. Soundarya T C
Mam had you changed any diet...
arpita pandit
No mam
Dr. Soundarya T C
Mam Diarrhoea could be due to sudden change in d food, treats, bacterial infection / viral /prasites or liver or kidney diseases...Kindly give your pet a bland diet for a day or two...You could add natural yogurt or probiotics ...Add some DiaRest powder to water and that could be given...
arpita pandit
Ok Sure Mam… I will get the same Mam
arpita pandit
Thank you so much Mam for the help this late
Dr. Soundarya T C
You can also give Gutwell powder 2gms twice daily in its food...or water..
Dr. Soundarya T C
Kindly book an appointment, so that treatment could be given according to the cause of diarrhoea...
Dr. Soundarya T C
Make sure to deworm your pet regularly once in 3 months mam..

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