Tanisha Baid

Hello, i just noticed a knot under my doggos skin, a 5 year old male cocker spaniel. It doesn't hurt or affect him but it wasn't on him earlier, Is it harmful? What do I do?

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Is it hair knot??
Tanisha Baid
No, it Seems to be a tiny Lump Under the skin
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Can you send a photo if possible?
Tanisha Baid
He is a hairy dog, i felt it while petting him, the lump was a size of a pearl
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It might be deposition of fat. Give hot fomentation for 5 days it will reduce, if there's no reduction, get it checked
Tanisha Baid
Okay, thank you! Will try it

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