Mamtha Ravindrakumar

Oreo got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️

Oreo, Dog, Siberian Huskie, Male

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Hi doctor, my male shihtzu 1.5 years old. He has many food irregularities. i am giving him rice along with chicken gravy. somedays he will complete the whole quantity and some days he won't even touch. I am changing gravy flavours as i thought he might be bored with same flavour but it's the same situation repeating. is it normal and can you suggest anything for this?

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My pet doesn't eat veg at all it only needs non-veg all the time how should i make her eat veg ?

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THEO’S REAL STORY! 🫶 I have recently shared an adoption appeal for Theo my dog and received a lot of backlash. I would like to clarify a few things : 1. Theo is my family and he is a rescue. He was abandoned at a kennel and was in a very bad condition and suffered from ear infection and other issues. 2. My family has had Theo for 1 year now and we LOVE him truly and I can never think of abandoning him. 3. I have been approached by multiple people including unethical breeders but I will ensure that Theo doesn’t end up homeless or with the wrong people and that is why I put up a post here. 4. My family condition isn’t that great at the moment and im leaving for my higher studies. He is a dog that needs constant attention love and affection like every dog and I am sad that im not able to provide that to him and hence putting him up for adoption. When I rescued him I didn’t think of anything else except him getting better, he is not a SHOW OFF dog he is my best friend. Thanks for everyone reaching out!

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Hi, my dog had some light pink mucus in her stool today. She also did not eat anything this morning, and rubbed her butt and face on the ground a couple of times. We thought we would monitor her condition for 24hrs before we take her to a vet. The problem is she lives on a remote farm far from any big cities. The nearby villages don't have a vet. There's a govt hospital but the veterinary care isn't great. Are there any medicines we can buy in regular medical stores or online that'll help her while we observe her condition for one day? Such as deworming or flea medication? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hey my dog has eaten 6 to 8 grapes today. It’s been couple of hours now and he is fine at the moment. Is it life threatening, should I take him to vet ?

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