
Rottweillers - All You Need To Know


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Hello. I am a new cat parent. I got it as my birthday gift. It's a 2 month old Persian cat. Can anyone tell me when should it be fed and groomed ??

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Hi my name is Chess…. I was born with naughtiness but now i am bit sober. See you guys around.

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Finally able to get a good look of Whiskeys puppy eyes after a little bit of face grooming 🐶

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My puppy has a black spot on her leg and hair loss at that area. And also some black skin near her leg and belly. Help me

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Is Milk bad for my pet.. he is 45days old baby and ets only pup start cirelac…. And does not drink water at all… due to which he struggles a lot while going for motions…. Kindly suggest

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