Muskan Porwal

I need to travel with my pet from Bengaluru to Indore, are there any travel agencies which can help me in booking the tickets?

Janu Dehli

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pls share pet boarding services also. It will help people during work related travel.

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My 10months old Labrador is having kind of leakage like urine (not sure whether it is urine only..it is like water) while lying..he is not neutered..he is peeing apart from this normally..what might be the cause of this

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Hello doctor my 8 months old Labrador puppy had lot of hair fall can u give the remedi for this ??

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My 3 months old husky puppy having watery poop since last night . Any help ? Have not changed any food or haven’t given him anything unusual. All the vaccine and deworming is upto date

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My 1.2 year old Labrador is vomiting food from 2 days (once a day). What can I feed him and what food is good for his situation? I am feeding him curd rice and vegetables at the moment.

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