
I have two furbabies. One Frenchie and the other beagle. My Frenchie is anorexic and doesn't eat. Even when I leave him for a day or two without a feed he just vomits saliva and bile. I started feeding him due to this. Shown to lots of vets, no one has been able to change this. Does anyone else face this issue with their dogs?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
If u hand feed the pet once they start expecting that only, the vomition and bile content is due to he is not eating at a proper interval
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
To increase his appetite give appetizers syrups like aptiquick or hepamust 5 ml 30 min before food
Saurabh Saksena
Could be worms. Give him tablets for deworming. How many tablets depends on the dogs weight.

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