
5 week old kittens, litter trained. Need a forever home for these little ones. There are 2 males and 3 females. Please help find a cozy home for these munchkins. I already have 2 cats and feeding the mother cat as well hence unable to adopt these. These kittens are playful and docile.

Na, Cat, Indian, Male, Adopted
Jaivi Divitha
I'm interested kindly let me know if I can adopt one of these kittens. 9219083708
Tanya Sachdeva
still available for adoption?

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❌ Stop feeding Cerelac to your young puppies ❌ 1. It contains sugar which is toxic for them. 2. Doesn’t fulfill your puppy’s nutritional requirements in the growth stage. ✅ Instead look for “Puppy Milk Replacers”. These are easily available in most pet stores. Just check the ingredient list once to make sure it’s free of any harmful ingredients. If you found this helpful, do check us out on Instagram (@kuddle.pet) for more such tips 🐶

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