Keerthana Nandagopal

Hi My cat is 4 years old and has not been eating and drinking like usual Temperature was 103.7 yesterday And today it has come down to 102.5 After antibiotics and fluid But today too it is tired and ate just a little What should I do I am really worried

Misty, Cat, Indian, Male
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Anorexia and fever are non-specific symptoms of many varied conditions in cats. Such symptoms would warrant further examination and diagnostics such as blood tests by a vet , primarily ruling out common conditions such as mycoplasmosis or feline panleukopenia.
Keerthana Nandagopal
Is there any cure for such infections 😭😭
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Yes , but would require thorough examination and confirmation of cause
Keerthana Nandagopal
Does vaccination help with these infections ma’am ?
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Yes complete and appropriate vaccination in cats can prevent three common infections (feline panleukopenia,feline rhinotracheitis and feline calcivirus)
Keerthana Nandagopal
And doctor He is eating boiled chicken And boiled fish Just that and a little milk Absolutely saying NO to dry food and wet food.

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