Keerthana Nandagopal

Doctors please help! The wbc shows abnormal rate. Could you please guide me what to do Please help 😭😭😭 Is this curable Is this something serious

Misty, Cat, Indian, Male
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
In the report WBC is high, platelet is low and RBC, haemoglobin is also low it indicates that the pet is suffering from tick fever Start the treatment immediately If he has stopped eating get him drips If he is having food can give oral antibiotics
Keerthana Nandagopal
Thank you so much doctor Is this serious 😭😭 Will the wbc increase 😭😭😭
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It is curable if treatment is started immediately and the if the proper course of antibiotics are given
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Have the doctors started with any antibiotics for him
Keerthana Nandagopal
He’s just giving antibiotics for the fever to come down doctor 😭😭😭 and Rantac antibiotics that’s all
Keerthana Nandagopal
What are the antibiotics for tick fever doctor
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
The antibiotic therapy depends on the severity of infection If severity is too high have to give triple antibiotics and supplements and if the pet is not having food then can give the antibiotics through INTRAVENOUS route And rantac is not an antibiotic

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