
Hi everyone! This is Django. He is about 4.5 months old. He has skin issues since a month. We consulted 2 different Vets, but there has been no improvement. In fact he has lost even more hair and turned “pink”. His fur loss is so much that he needs to be wrapped up cozily or stay in warm spots in the house as the weather is slightly cool in Bangalore currently. There were tablets given for Scabies and fungal infection. Please help with this, he has been taking tablets since a month with no improvement.

Dr. Sharmila Rai
Hi! Was any skin scraping test or other blood/urine test done before?
No Doctor. There was no such test done
Bhushan Prabhu
Ketopet tablet you try weekly 3 times only night after food
Dr. Sharmila Rai
You can get him checked and request to get skin scraping test and CBC blood test done that will help in proper diagnosis and treatment.
Okay, thank you, will get him tested

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