Shaik Irfan

What should I do to fatten up my skinny cat

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
How many times are u giving food to ur cat and do u deworm the cat regularly
Shaik Irfan
Food is always available and I deworm my cat every 3 months
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
What's his age and what's the body weight of the pet
Shaik Irfan
1 year 5 months n she's 3 kilos
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
For this age cat is bit under weight Donot make the food available all the time some times they get bored because of that U can start giving multivitamin syrup like proviboost 0.5 ml twice daily after food
Shaik Irfan
Thank you doctor

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