Swati Singh

Hi! My 4 months old female lab seems to get distracted quite often while having her meals and also seems disinterested. We provide her 4 meals a day (kibbles twice, once curd rice and once veggies+curd plus 2 eggs a day, no chicken till date). She is active throughout the day but also pants a lot during day time especially in the afternoons. She loved to eat curd rice but from past 3-4 days she seems disinterested. Also her teeth are falling. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Maggie, Dog, Labrador Retriever, Female
Hello Hooman, you can just go in the food section, add your pet's details and get a detailed diet plan for your pet.
For further knowledge and guidance we would suggest you to schedule a video call on the app by going in the diet planning section
Dr. Anukarna Singh
At 4 months your pup should be getting 4 meals a day, however if she is not finishing her meals she can be transitioned towards 3 meals and a snack. Please check the specifications on the pack to see if you are giving the correct quantities. Most pups will show a preference towards fresh food, you can add half an egg with her kibbles to make her eat it better. If she is panting after some activity, it could be normal but make sure the rooms are ventilated and make sure she is drinking enough water.
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Teething can be painful sometimes, you can give her a teething toy or some raw carrots and cucumbers to nibble on. Keep it in the freezer for a bit before you give it to her, cold carrot will help reduce the inflammation in her gums. If she is eating her eggs and not eating her kibbles properly could be because she is not liking the flavour anymore, but if she is not eating her eggs as well get her examined to make sure she is fine.
Swati Singh
Sure. Thank you!

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