Swati Singh

Hi! My friend's community dog is scratching herself quite a lot and a few bald patches can also be seen. What could be the reason for this? Also, how can it be treated?

Maggie, Dog, Labrador Retriever, Female
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi Swati. Such scratching tendency is seen in case of tick or flea or lice or mite infestation/fungal or bacterial infection. It’s best to get him clinically examined by booking a home consultation with a vet. For now, to avoid scratching, plz give Tab Atarax 10mg (1-0-1) for 5 days. But remember, unless root cause is eliminated, itching will start again after stopping medicine.
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Most of the community dogs suffer from tick infestation. Use any spot on to control ticks.

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