Prashans Khare

My 3 year golden retriever has some red pimple like reddish structure developed inside his ears, does he have any infection?

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. If it's just one small pimple, you can apply T-Bact ointment. If it increases in size or if you find continuous scratching, kindly get him checked by booking a home consultation with a veterinarian.

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Hello Pet Parents! Thanks for sharing your sweetest and most wholesome memories with us. It was a delight getting to know your pet stories 🐶😻 🏆 Our Top 3 Winners based on likes are- 1. Tillu 2. Logan 3. Badhra In this contest, everyone is a winner. As a token of love, 100 Kuddle coins will be credited to all the contest participants by EOD🎁 See you again🐾

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