Jaishri Shankar

My 4 months old Golden Retriever has started losing her teeth. Very little blood drops i can notice on her gums. Is this normal? What can i give her to soothe her pain?

Jojo, Dog, Golden Retriever, Female
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
At this age the milk teeth will fall and then permanent teeth will start to erupt U can apply ice cubes on the gums
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Similar to us, canines also have a set of deciduous/ milk teeth which falls and are replaced by their permanent teeth. This process starts at 4-5 months of age and completes at around 8 months. You might see your puppy teething excessively at this point. You can use puppy grade toys or carrots and cucumbers (you can also keep it in the freezer for some time before you give it, this will help to reduce inflammation) to help reduce the discomfort.
We can give carrots kept in freezer. Won't they catch cold .... many told not to give food direct from fridge
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Keep the carrots outside for 10-15 min after that u can give them to the pet
Ok thank you doc

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