Jaya Pandey

Hiii my dog is 2 yrs old and he was playing with hair clipper and broke it while chewing. Since clipper has metal inside it should I be worried about tetanus??

Coco, Dog, Pomeranian, Male
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello Jaya. Any visible wound on the surface of the body ? Tetanus is caused by a bacteria called Clostridium tetani, which is commonly present in soil and gets into the body through deep open wounds. Its a myth that tetanus is transmitted through any sort of metals, especially the rusted ones. If one gets a wound through a sharp metal and comes in contact with the bacteria present in soil, can get a disease. Horses & humans are more sensitive although dogs & cats are relatively more resistant to tetanus
Jaya Pandey
Firstly thankyou for insightful info and no wound was visible

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