Priyanka Patnaik

Hi doctor, my Jerry is puking since 2 days. Day before yesterday we gave him 1 medicine for itching as he was having heat irritations on skin and now we have stopped giving him that medicine still he is puking. Medine picture and picking picture is attached below. He is eating normally and drinking water also and active. Can you please suggest what to do.

Dr. Dhavalashree M
This could be because of gastritis caused by antibiotics or may be because of dietary Intolerance also...Please give Antacids half an hour before food and see the progress...If no improvement with that, pls consult a vet
Priyanka Patnaik
Can you please name antacid
Priyanka Patnaik
Dr. Dhavalashree M
Dr. Dhavalashree M
What breed he is? What's his body weight?

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