
To make your Christmas merrier, we are sharing a few snaps of the cutest pets we met during our Christmas celebration at House of Hiranandani and Purva Westend. Check out our latest post on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoM8iQLcSZ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


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My 3yrs cat zoe is lost weight Post deworming recently , any suggestions why so?

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I have a dog named blackey he is 2year and 5months he loves water but he is very unclean how should I keep my dog away from water

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I have 1.5 month old indie, but he is constantly losing his hair from few days and his skin is also visible now. Also, he keeps on scratching there all the time, not sure if it's dandruff or some skin problem/allergy. Kindly help.

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Hello doctor can I give idli with sambar to my Labrador puppy? Becoz my puppy only ate the idli & rice with sambar without sambar they won’t eat ..

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