Janaki Senthilkumar

This little artist will bring lots of color (and love) into your life. Contact Details: 9008601386 & 8489094035

Bora, Dog, Indie, Female, Adopted, Vaccinated

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my cat keeps shouting constantly. there is no medical problem but she just shouts louder and louder for food all the time. I am doing my best to ignore her screaming but it just keeps getting worse. what do i do?

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hi, I am Sanjay from Karnataka, Bangalore rural,nidivand,SLVL layout I want a male puppy of a shihtzu with in the price of 2000 or 1000

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Madam im totally confused about my puppy dog breed anybody tell me which breed this is

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Prework out with kuddle wale bhaiya purushotam. I'm all 'bout my business and ready to save the world.

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I want German shepherd puppy in Bangalore location.

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