
Hi We have 2 male dogs, and they have been together more then 1 year. Since a week now 1 of my dog has started behaving very aggresive towards the smaller one.Till the extend that he even bite him. It would be really helpfull if anyone tell me why this is happening. As per us we think it beacuse they are not spayed.Can that be the reason? I hope there are pet parent who have 2 male dogs and can suggest me anything about it.

Shadow, Dog, Siberian Husky, Male
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. Yes. The hormones could be one main reason. Older ones tend to dominate younger or weak dogs. Spaying would help if it is the problem. Other reason could be a trigger fight, wherein inaccessible things like favourite treat/bone/bowl/place becomes the reason for possessiveness and thus aggression. Supervise your pet’s behaviour to see what exactly is triggering him. Spaying is a good idea to fight back the male dominance.

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