
My male pug 2yrs recently passing gas and smells very bad. We give brown rice, egg and chicken mixed two times a day and 2 oat biscuts as snacks. Any suggestion please or medicine? Weight - 7.3 kg

Louie, Dog, Pug, Male
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Passing gas is normal thing so need of any medicine for that Try to give him boiled vegetables with rice U can give him digyton syrup that will help for digestion
Dr. Anukarna Singh
You can replace brown rice with white rice for a few days, and give some other biscuits instead of using oat biscuits. Also try to feed 2 meals and a snack, and make sure the gap between these is not exceeding 8 hours. If it doesn't reduce with this add some pumpkin paste to his meals and give him overcooked soft food for about a week. You can also give digytone for a few days.

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