Elton Elryn Guedes

So it's Monday already???🥱


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Hi At what age Gsd male will be ready for mating

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Hi , what’s the best wet cat food ?

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Chotu here….!!

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Welcoming Badhra home is the best memory of him. He came in during the pandemic when everything around was so gloomy. Every moment after he came is so joyous.Badhra is a blessing for our family.He is such a brat and always full of energy. Naughty to the core. Love him loads 💕💕

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Hey, so my dog had a recent visit to a spa and subsequently developed a few rashes around the neck. His body has also been extra warm for the past 2 days. No additional behaviour changes and dietary routine is also as usual. I am assuming it’s an allergic reaction; any recommendations on antihistamines or should I book a vet consultation?

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