
I found a tick on Chittu a week ago. I checked thoroughly but didn't find any other. Today I found one more tick. He has runny nose since a week and also fever from yesterday. I'm worried this might be tick fever. Please help me out.

Chittu, Dog, German Shepherd, Male
Nikhil Bansal
Are you using any spot-on? Or bravecto?
Nikhil Bansal
Get the blood test done asap You can book a vet home visit consultation on the app.
No I'm not using any spot on or bravecto. This is the first time I found ticks on him. I've checked on the app but vet home visit consultation is not available for my location. I'll take him to local vet today. Thank you for the response.
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi Srilekha. You can use either a spot on/anti tick tablet along with anti tick shampoo (Erina EP), once in a week for a month. Runny nose is suggestive of an allergic rhinitis or upper respiratory tract infection. You can either take an online consultation or home visit to discuss more for the diagnosis and treatment.
Thank you Dr. Tajunnisa
I applied a mixture of little neem oil diluted in coconut oil on his fur and kept it for 2 hours when I first noticed a tick. Then gave him a bath with anti-tick and flea shampoo. Is this a effective remedy or should I stop doing this again?
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Yes. This remedy works if the tick infestation is mild.
Thank you 😊

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