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golden retriever


I just came across the information that stairs are bad for puppies! The internet says that large breeds develop hip issues if they are introduced to stairs before twelve weeks. But father has been encouraging my puppy to climb up and down the stairs in our house from as early as 6 weeks!! There are days when my puppy takes three flights of stairs thrice! I’m really worried, is there anything I can do at this point to avoid such problems in future?

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My pet cat has been suffering from fever since yesterday. Her third eyelid is also visible. I consulted a vet and he advised the following : Himpyrin/Setwell Gentamicin eye drop Augmentin dry syrup I just need a second opinion regarding if the medication prescribed is alright or not. I don't wanna take any risk. I urgently need confirmation since I lost my previous feline friend due to wrong medication by a doctor. This time I want to be more alert .

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