Ratan Kumar

Pawsitively perfect day for a chill session! 🐢🌞 #ChillinWithMyDog #LazySunday #DoggyNapTime #FurryRelaxation


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Hello doctor and everybody using kuddle i want to get my cat groomed but the service isn't available in my place any alternative or anything that shd be done to the app to get the service

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Hello dr Prescribe tablet for deworming My pet is lab Age 8 yrs Weight almost 30

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3months Puppy nail got bleeding post nail cutting. It got stopped for and post walk a little bleeding again. Should I do something ?

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My 3 year old Male Lab is getting a lot of hair fall. How can we stop to much of hair fall?

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14 months old male lab is having multiple small nodular lesions on inner side of all 4 limbs with itching, these lesions also started on face 2days back. What cou6be the reason and treatment for this?

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