Abhishek Kumar

Pee and poop training..he is doing in sofa,bed and everywhere ..how to stop this

Dr. Sharmila Rai
If its a puppy you can use puppy pads or paper training. Place the pad or paper where you want the puppy to pee or poop. The. Make a schedule of taking him for pee or poop in that area everyday like after playing, after having food, early in the morning and before going to sleep.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
If he accidentally pee in other places try cleaning it thoroughly so that there is no odour residue in that area.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Praise him a lot or treat him when he does use the puppy pad. It will definitely take some time and effort to fully potty train a puppy but eventually it will happen. All the best.

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