Alvin Angel

How to prevent dogs fever

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
To prevent fever they should be completely vaccinated and avoid contact with rat urine and sniffing of dogs from infected places so they will be protected and dogs shouldn't have any external parasites also like ticks and fleas

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Helo folks, my stupeed dad is using his stupid brush to groom me. Even after groomed his hand pinching takes my hair out. (That schmuck with white coat said to hurt me torture me twice a day with stupiiid brush). Can you folks pls suggest stuupid man a gooooood bruuush? Love you all. Leo the golden retriever 4 months old for all the girls growing!

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Posting on behalf - Veera is a 2 month old cute tail wagged pupper , I can guarantee she will steal everyone’s hearts . Her pee potty training is in progress . She does absolutely well with other doggos . To adopt her please message us on WhatsApp / dm 9110698650

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