Sahaj Shetty

My puppy has a black spot on her leg and hair loss at that area. And also some black skin near her leg and belly. Help me

Lucy, Dog, Golden Retriever, Female
Dr. Soundarya T C
Dr. Soundarya T C
Hyperpigmentation can be due to intense friction in 1 area, or it can result from aging, or even sun exposure... Other causes could be due to allergies, malassezia etc..If you find any other lession like allopecia in patches or presence of skin lessions...kindly book an appointment...
Dr. Soundarya T C
You can use a medicated shampoo...Shampoo Ketochlor which provides antibiotic and antifungal effect..Apply the shampoo all over the body..leave it for 15 minutes..and then bathe your pet..

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