Keerthi Reddy

My puppy(beagle - male) 4 months old is doing loose motion from past three days....what can be the reason for that ? (Doing six - 8 times a day )

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Is there any blood in the motion and fowl smell
Keerthi Reddy
Fowl smell is there but not blood in the motion doctor
Keerthi Reddy
Shit is in white colour
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Loose motions can be because of change in the food or can be viral infection so have to diagnose because of what's it is happening then we can start treatment
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Is the pet active and having food
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Did u give him any new food in the past few days
Keerthi Reddy
He is very active and eating very well
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Then it can because gastroenteritis
Keerthi Reddy
No new food was given
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Give him curd rice as of today and also add probiotic powder like gut well in his food and see if still it's not stopping means better to go to hospital
Keerthi Reddy
Okay thank you doctor

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