Apoorva Kulkarni

Rocket is a 4 months old male Indie puppy . He is very loving , confident , curious , intelligent , playful puppy. Rocket is up for adoption since a long time . I’m preferably looking for homes in Bangalore . But I’m open to other cities too . For more details please WhatsApp to 7349088204 📞 Life with Rocket is full of adventure , fun and love . He loves auto rides , fine with cabs too , loves exploring , travelling , eating , sleeping , playing . He is great to train and teach new things , he needs guidance with good dog to dog interactions , which every dog can benefit from infact . He loves human company , he is quite good with dogs too. He selectively likes dogs . He is still very young so there is a great scope for him to learn all the good dog to dog interaction etiquettes . Please open up your heart and home for Rocket ❤️ It takes him 2-3 days to fully warm upto to a new home and family . That’s how adaptive he is . And that’s how trusting he is.

Rocket, Dog, Indie, Male, Vaccinated

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