Shishir Vidhate

Is it safe for 3 month old puppy??

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Yes, it is safe
Shishir Vidhate
He is licking applied part, thats why I am worried
Dr. Shraddha Singh
As you said puppy is 3 months, you can go for spot on instead
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Lick safe sprays are available in the market by name nomoticks That will also help to reduce the external parasite infestation
Dr. Anukarna Singh
There are a lot of better products to control ticks in the market now. I personally find it unsafe to use a powder because it remains on the body and the puppy can consume it if he licks himself, also when we touch the pup the powder can contaminate our hands. A simple spot on like effitix (based on bodyweight) would be safer for the pup and the family. Also avoid socializing with dogs who might have ticks and avoid areas that might be infested, to avoid getting exposed to the parasite at the first place.

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