Arun Venugopal

I have my second kitten brought to my home and she is very scared to mingle with us and old kitten is hissing at the new one Need to know if your expertise could help us

Kukku, Cat, Persian, Male
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Donot mingle both of them as of now only Try to keep them seperately for 1-2 after that try to introduce them to each other If they become comfortable then only mingle them And first try to make her comfortable with u people
Arun Venugopal
Sure Thank you for the support
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Change in place and isolation from mother can be very stressful, give the kitten some time to adjust herself in the new surroundings. Rather than forcing her to interact try to grab her attention with a toy, cats usually like things that are hanging or something which makes some sound. When you introduce the two of them please monitor to make sure the older cat doesn't injure the kitten. It'll take a few days to a few weeks for her to become comfortable.

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