Shwetha Sunith

My ShihTzu completed 6 months now... Should I feed him 3 meals a day? What should I include in his diet.

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can feed 3 times a day untill 1 year then u can shift him to 2 meals a day slowly U can feed him home diet only like boiled vegetables and boiled egg, boiled chicken, chapathis and curd rice And whenever u start the new food start with little quantity if the pet is not having any gastric issues then u can increase the quantity
Shwetha Sunith
Thank u so much

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please advise on any pet agency which will assist in pet relocation

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Bangalore adoption/ fostering appeal We are open to outstation if cost is bared for transport . We are open to farms where they don’t get leashed / tied . We are open anywhere, they can be safe we have 2 weeks left please WhatsApp us @9110698650 if u can help Please meet Gulab 🙂, yes she is as exotic as a precious flower. She is 2mths old female indie who is pee and poty trained. She plays with my adult dog and is okay to co-exist with my cat. So yes she can be a lovely addition to any kind of home. She is quiet, independent, plays, eats, sleeps and is a happy go lucky girl. She has 8 other siblings who are similar exotics and are looking for home. Kindly share and spread and help us find a forever home for them. If you cannot adopt them then plz look for foster parents for them. WhatsApp us on 9110698650 Thank you.

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