
My sish tzu puppy is 2months and 7days old… has completed 2 vaccines…. Can I take him for the bath

Guddu, Dog, Shih Tzu, Male, Neutured
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi. It's advisable to give bath once the vaccination is completely done. Fow now, a sponge bath is preferable.
Totally 2 vaccine or 3…. My doc says that 3rd vaccine need to taken next year only
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Vaccination schedule for dogs: 6 weeks old: DHPPiL (distemper, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, and parainfluenza) 9 weeks old: DHPPiL I Booster Dose 12 weeks old: DHPPiL II Booster + Rabies 15 weeks old: Rabies Booster Dose + KC Every year: Annual Revaccination for both D: Distemper H: Canine Hepatitis P: Canine Parvovirus Pi: Canine Para Influenza L: Leptospirosis KC: Kennel Cough This is how it should be followed.
Kindly suggest if I have missed anything or I’m going right
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Yes . Its absolutely right. As doctor has advised for vaccination against Rabies on 19/8/23 , the 2nd booster for DHPPi+L can also be included. So this should be followed by a booster dose (only for rabies + KC) after 21 days from 19/8.

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