Rahul M

What’s the best way to stop puppy biting I have tried a lot of methods but still after a day he starts biting and nipping again.

Dr. Sharmila Rai
Try providing him chew toys or puzzle treat toys whenever he is biting to divert his mind. Along with his daily walking setting a playing time with him is quite helpful as it will help in letting their energy out which they have a lot at this age.
Rahul M
He’s not yet vaccinated fully so I don’t take him on walks yet
Dr. Sharmila Rai
No worries give him plenty of play time throughout the day and training him some simple commands could be beneficial.
Nikhil Bansal
He is sooooo cutee😍😍
Rahul M
Thank you and also do I have to wait for 10 days after his vaccine or is it fine to take him on walks the next day itself
Dr. Sharmila Rai
It best to start walking your dog 10 to 14 days after getting the full set of vaccinations.
If you're looking for a dog behaviourist, feel free to connect with us. You can check out our training programs on our services page :)
Cutie 😍 mine also bite so much , after giving him so many toys, still he bites me and almost all corner walls of the house are eaten by him !! He is 3 and half months old , not sure when he ll stop biting 🤷‍♀️

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