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Akshay Singhaniya
Good initiative

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I have my dog vaccine next month . can I put him vaccine after a week of the date ? since we r travelling

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what should be the ideal weight of a 11 month old golden retriever? what should be given to the dog if he is underweight?

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My puppy 3 months old husky is having loose Motion please suggest any tablet or syrup

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Is there any way or any device to notify the family members when a stray cat enters your pet’s boundaries(inside and outside home). To be specific anything like an alarm that could ring and scare away the stray cat, to ensure that they don’t fight and hurt each other! My pet cat is scared and I want her to be safe. A little back story : The stray jumped in through the open window and started a fight in one of the rooms when people were not present in there. Surprisingly and randomly, someone entered the room and found out about the stray and injuries on both cats was avoided.

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