Meghana Nair

⭐️ADOPTION ALERT⭐️ Location: Bengaluru 📌


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Hello! My 4 month old Golden Retriever is not as fond of her food as she used to be. We give her pedigree puppy (chicken and milk) with a teaspoon of buffalo milk for flavour. She drinks the milk but refused to finish her kibble. What do you suggest we do?

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Cherry got groomed today from Subhra Pratim Dutta & team and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️ It was her first professional grooming experience though she was scared and kinda aggressive groomers handled her patiently. A lot depends on the grooming team & we absolutely loved their service

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Here's a Happy picture of Oscar after Kuddle grooming session ❤️

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Dawa shere