
My cat was neutered a month back and was staying with my friend. Before this, she was staying with me and Bruno (my dog). Now I see lot of behaviour change in her.. she was very calm, use to understand and follow the instructions and never bites or open her claws.. now is dead opposite.. biting, scratching, she gets irritated even if anyone touches her. I am not able to understand why??

Lee, Cat, Indian, Female
Dr. Anukarna Singh
I don't think it's related to her neutering, infact hormonal aggression reduces after the surgery. I feel she needs to readjust because of change in place and environment. Give her some time, don't force her to interact instead interact with her using some interactive toys/ light/ catnip powder. Maybe she was not handled enough for the last few weeks/ she has gotten scared of some incident. Also if the behaviour continues get her checked, illness can show up with irritability sometimes.
Thank you

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