Sridhar Vootla

Daily diet for our 2yr old female golden consists of: 1 boiled egg in the morning, a glass of buttermilk at 11, dry dog food 1.5 cup at 12-1, buttermilk again at 4 and 1.5cup dog food at 6pm. 2-3 times a week some snacks such as jerky etc..also 1 hour daily she chews on a Himalayan bone. Please recommend if this is good or anything to be changed. Weight 31-32kg. Thanks.

Lexi, Dog, Golden Retriever, Female
Hello Pet Parent, To get a balanced diet plan tailored according to the dietary needs for your pet based on their breed, age and weight, check out Kuddle food.
Sridhar Vootla
Unfortunately Lexi was diagnosed with Babesios infection a month ago and underwent intensive antibiotics therapy, hence I want an appropriate recovery diet recommendation, if possible. Thanks
Dr. Supriya
Hi sridhar, how is lexi doing now?
Sridhar Vootla
Hello Doctor, we got CBC done yesterday, planning weekly. All values normal except eisnophil count marginally higher. She is very active and appetite etc. normal. Thank you.
Dr. Supriya
When was the deworming done?
Sridhar Vootla
October 15th, Doc.
Dr. Supriya
I would recommend you to book a video consultation with our nutritionist and get a personalized diet plan for her.
Sridhar Vootla
Ok sure Doc, will plan
Dr. Supriya
Meanwhile you can check kuddle diet planner in app which will recommend calorie requirement based on their age, breed and body weight.
Sridhar Vootla
Ok thanks a lot doctor. Really appreciate the feedback
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Hi, the amount of food that she gets also depends on the brand/ type of dog food that you are giving her. The other things like her boiled egg in the morning and buttermilk intake is good. Treats are in moderation so that's good too. But whether or not the dog food is sufficient/ balanced, we would need to know a few more details about her medical history, activity levels and neutering status etc to answer that better. We can discuss this in detail over a nutrition consultation.

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