
Hey Doctors! I was wondering if it's okay to give WHISKEY (2-month-old poodle) some boiled chicken liver and chicken heart as part of his meal? Also, Whiskey seems bored of Orijen, can you recommend any good alternatives to replace one of his daily meals with Orijen? PS: Sleeping on his best posture right now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Whiskey, Dog, Toy Poodle, Male
Also, can I start adding bone broth?
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Hi Dinesh! Chicken liver and heart might be too much for whiskey as part of his meal to digest at this age. You can try after few months. You can try Grain zero or farmina puppy food also. But do change the food gradually as sudden change in food might upset his stomach. You can give bone broth in small amount, start with 2- 3 teaspoon a day and after 1-2 months you can gradually increase.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Chicken liver and heart you can try giving as treat but very small amount for now.
Thank you, Doctor!
Dr. Sharmila Rai
He is only 2 months right??
Yes that’s right!
Dr. Sharmila Rai
You can wait for few months when you start giving chicken liver and heart. He will be better adjusted to digest these type of food and there won’t be any risk of stomach related issues then.
Ok so I wait for another 30days and start?
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Yes that will be better.
What about Curd? Is it good to start giving in small amounts now? Or should I wait for 3month?
And again same with bone broth? Can I start giving now?

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