Reedina Roy Chowdhury

My dog was bitten by a street dog and thereafter one of the bites have led to my dog's front leg becoming completely swollen. Pus was seeping from the punctures. My dog also developed fever and thus w...

Poochu, Dog, Indie, Male
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Please visit a vet clinic or scedule vet visit as post bite rabies vaccination has to be done. The wound must have got infected and would need to be cleaned and proper check up needs to be done to see the extent of injury. Treatment can be given accordingly after check up.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Ma'am, we had taken him to the vet and he has been given the first dose of the vaccine. Four more doses are scheduled.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
What about the wound? Anything they gave for that?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Yes ma'am, they gave relaxzyme tablets for that.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Is there puncture wound?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Yes ma'am. Two punctures
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Any antibiotics?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Cepfodoxime 200 and immunova syrup
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
But my dog was being unable to keep in food, thus he was given saline.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
He's still unable to keep down food, water, or medicines. He's constantly vomiting, even after having Zofer through saline.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
What are you feeding him?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Rice and lentils.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
When did this happen?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Last Sunday ma'am. We took him to the vet on Tuesday
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
There's a swelling in his lower neck region. We are observing it from yesterday.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Is he still not eating?
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
He is eating. But he's being unable to keep it down. He's vomiting everything out
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Then I think better take him to the vet as he might still need saline. Intravenous antibiotics might be needed as orally he is not able to keep it in.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
He is getting saline twice a day ma'am. 500 ml each time.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Okay then you have a talk with the vet you have visited about the antibiotic, tell them as he is not able to keep the food in.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
We were unable to visit the vet ma'am. Our dog is too sick to travel and the government hospital we took him to is very far away.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
So, we talked to a different doctor, should him all the prescriptions and told him about all the symptoms. He changed all the medicines and asked us to not give the anti rabies vaccine doses as of now. He asked us to get him a blood test done and show him the report.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
The new doctor prescribed Dalacin- C 300 tablets and Sucrafil syrup and Rantac tablets. And asked us to discontinue giving him saline, and give him normal food, till we get his blood test done, and the doctor observes the report.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
I think its best to stick to that and do the blood test and show it to him.
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
So, we should stick to the new medicines ma'am? The doctor also asked to discontinue vaccinating him right now.
Dr. Sharmila Rai
Yes do the blood test as soon as possible
Reedina Roy Chowdhury
Yes ma'am. We are getting it done tomorrow.
Prayers for his speedy recovery 🙏

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