partha pratim

I was earlier using royal canin junior boxer for my 1 year old boxer but face supply issues often. We had used drools veg in past for sometime but it caused hair loss hence stopped . Now we are using drools focus puppy after migrating from royal canin, how is it?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can give royal canine it has also has good reviews
partha pratim
Madam royal canin breed specific is having supply issues often. Can I continue with drools focus puppy for 1 meal of the day?
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Yes supply issue is there if pet is eating the drools u can give
partha pratim
Ok sure thanks , just wanted to confirm if drools focus puppy is a good product
Dr. Manikantaswamy B M
You can use royal canin maxi adult, which is not a breed specific but for adult dogs weighing between 26-44kg.
Dr. Manikantaswamy B M
I think the maxi adult supply is not having issues like breed specific RC

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